
Audio Sound Meditations

These sound meditations are recorded outside with nature, with the additional element of the birds/animals blending their beautiful unique sounds with the various crystalline frequencies that are being created during the sound meditation. There will be a few minutes silence at the end of the sound meditation for you to enjoy the natural sounds.

These sound meditations are perfect in helping you to relax, meditate, realign your chakras, clear your mind, calm your emotions and in bringing you back into balance.

These sound meditations will be accessible from a downloadable link for you to enjoy listening to at your own convenience.

Surrender, Trust and Letting Go. Please click here for more details.

Pure Love and Light. Please click here for more details.

*During and after listening to this audio sound meditation please do not drive a car or operate machinery until you are grounded or feel safe to do so.
*Please only listen to the sound meditations 1-2 times a week maximum.

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